Drive from Lima to Lurin, approximately 25km or around 1 hour drive. Interact with a local community who immigrated to the capital after the terrorism years (1980-1992). Learn how they work ceramics and weave with their traditional techniques. Lunch will be in one of their homes.
Head to the south of the city.
Option 1 - Visit a natural protected area, Pantanos de Villa, a forested wetland and home of migratory birds in the middle of the city.
Option 2 - Pachacamac, an impressive Pre-Inca Ceremonial Centre overlooking the sea.
We continue our south direction. Arrive in Lurin, a neighborhood that welcomed artisans from Ayacucho who fled from the terrorism areas back in the late 80s. Enjoy a lunch in one of the homes of the community. Visit three of their workshops. The people from Ayacucho now established in this area are fine handcrafters and export their work to the world.