Hop on and off any time you wish and discover Valencia on your own way!
"Valencia Bus Turistic" (Valencia Tourist Bus)started in 1999 with the aim of showing the Cityof Valencia to those who visit us, using convertible double-decker buses.Currently, we provide two dierent routes: Route A or "ValenciaHistórica" (Historic Valencia) and Route B or "Valencia Marítima"(Maritime Valencia).
Convertible double-decker buses take youaround the city with oral description systems (disposableheadphones oered to each passenger) explaining what isbeing shown during the journey in 8 dierent languages.There are bus stops close to the most interesting cultural and touristmonuments and places of the city for both itineraries. You candrop o and onto visit the dierent places you may be interestedin.
These bus stops are clearly identied and they show the bustimetable for each season. This information is also provided on themap-leaets handed to passengers of the "Valencia Bus Turistic".
From an architectonic and historicperspective,to a more cosmopolitan Valencia, showing therelation-ship between the City and water (from the River Turia andthe Mediterranean Sea) in the past and at present.Duration: 90 minutes. There are two transfer points in the City so thepassenger can change from one route to the other as the ticket isvalid for both.24-hour or 48-hour tickets can be purchased, depending on howlong you plan to stay in the City.